Care Robot AMIGO
Credit: Bart van Overbeeke
Researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) have launched an open source system for robot hardware designed to serve as a library that robot developers can use to add their designs or improve existing robots.
The Robotic Open Platform (ROP) uses a wiki to make designs available and TU/e has made all technical documentation for its AMIGO robot available online at the ROP Web site.
"The idea is that this information will allow other research groups to build the [AMIGO] robot at a relatively low cost," says researcher Rene van de Molengraft. "By putting everything in the public domain you can get many more interested parties involved in the development, which means progress will be made much faster."
TU/e will add all technical documentation for its soccer robots, which have competed in the finals of the RoboCup soccer World Championship in each of the past four years, in early 2012. ROP will complement the Robot Operating System open source system for robot software that was started in the United States in 2007.
From Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)
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