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Software Could Help Optimize Energy Consumption of Cities

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Rays of light


Technical University of Madrid researchers have developed software that estimates the amount of solar radiation reaching streets and buildings, which could help optimize cities' energy consumption.

"What we have done is calculate radiation using supercomputers that simulate the vast amount of data involved in the entire atmospheric process," says Madrid researcher Roberto San Jose.

The software involves creating up to 100,000 rays of light for a few seconds from any position and confirming the collision point upon reaching obstacles. The calculations required the Supercomputing and Visualization Center of Madrid and the Mare Nostrum supercomputers at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to work for 72 hours to generate just six seconds of light and shadow evolution for an area of Madrid.

"The results can serve as a tool for sustainability and energy optimization in cities from both an architectural and urban planning point of view," San Jose says.

Two mathematical shadow models were developed by the researchers--one displays three-dimensional images of radiation behavior and the other details the exchange of energy transpiring in a chosen area.

From The Engineer (United Kingdom)
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