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Linux Job Openings on the Rise: Dice Report

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Credit: Free Software Magazine

Dice reports that although Linux skills are in demand, finding talent is difficult for many organizations, which has boosted salaries and bonuses for Linux professionals.

A Dice survey found that 81 percent of respondents are making hiring Linux talent a priority in 2012. However, 85 percent of respondents say they have difficulty finding qualified Linux professionals to fill available positions.

The most sought-after position is the mid-level professional with three to five years of experience, especially those with development or systems administration skills. "It is our job to meet this demand by ensuring developers and systems admins have access to the community networking opportunities and Linux training they need to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity," says Linux Foundation executive director Jim Zemlin.

Dice notes that with the increasing use of Linux and open source software across industries, Linux knowledge is topping the list of most highly sought programming expertise. "Linux is simply a core skill for anyone pursuing a career in software development or systems administration," says Dice’s Alice Hill.

From eWeek 
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