An unusual alignment of technology giants has embraced HTML5 as a cross-browser, cross-device development and delivery platform.
"Each [company] has wanted to build and own the platform, but with the explosion of devices on the market, now they want to own the tooling services," says Telerik's Todd Anglin.
However, experts say it is still too soon to declare HTML5 the Web application winner. Just 8 percent of the top 100,000 Web sites use HTML5, and just 14 percent of the top 10,000 sites have anything from HTML5, according to
Although every piece is not yet in place, HTML5 continues to grow and build momentum as a platform, says the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C's) Ian Jacobs. Content protection, the need for streaming, and audio implementation for gaming are specific areas where HTML5 is not fully built out, Jacobs notes.
“The things we’re working on are what features do we need for trustworthy communication,” he says. "We're working on tracking protection behind the scenes, linked data, privacy, and security issues."
W3C developers also are working on specifications for touch, Web storage, and an application programming interface that enables Web pages to use the WebSocket protocol for two-way communications.
From SD Times
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