The Multiphysical Network Simulation Framework can be used to analyze and optimize transport grids for electricity, gas, and water based on numerical simulations
Credit: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI have developed the Multiphysical Network Simulation Framework (MYNTS), which can be used to analyze and optimize transport grids for electricity, gas, and water based on numerical simulations.
The researchers say MYNTS helps with the operation and planning of such complex networks, modeling the transport grids as systems of differential-algebraic equations. The simulation demonstrates the effects of changes in various factors.
"Regardless of dealing with transport systems for gas, power, water, or electrical circuits, their simulation always traces back to the same numerical core," says Fraunhofer researcher Tanja Clees.
The software also can be used in the development of smart grids, which the German government wants to construct over the next few years. The researchers have proven the successful utilization of MYNTS in several research projects, and now the first commercial projects are set to begin.
From Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
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