Credit: FreeBSD News
The Linux Foundation has updated its progress report on Linux kernel development for the fourth time.
The white paper offers a wide range of statistics, including the number of files and lines in each kernel version, the individual changes that went into each kernel release, the number of developers doing kernel development, and the companies working on kernel improvements.
The report says the number of different developers who are doing Linux kernel development and the identifiable companies that are sponsoring this work have been increasing over the different kernel versions. Among the 2011 highlights, the Linux kernel celebrated its 20th anniversary along with the release of the 3.0 kernel, and Microsoft appeared on the list of top 20 contributors for a kernel release.
The report shows Red Hat, IBM, Intel, Novell, Oracle, and others as key company contributors, but notable rising contributors included Samsung and Texas Instruments.
"In recent years, the level of participation from this sector has been growing rapidly," the report says. "It is worth noting that these companies are not only adding more hardware support to the kernel, they are also taking more responsibility for the advancement of core kernel areas like the scheduler and memory management."
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