A new institute will help scientists process data from complex simulations like this one of a helicopter combustion chamber, performed on the IBM Blue Gene/P at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.
Credit: Pierre Wolf, Turbomeca, CERFACS
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory researchers recently received part of a $25 million grant to address the problem of extracting knowledge from massive data sets. The research is part of the DOE's Scalable Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization (SDAV) Institute. "The SDAV teams will develop the necessary tools and software so that scientists can use their time more effectively for scientific investigation and discovery," says SDAV's Robert Ross. The new institute will tackle challenges associated with data management, data analysis, and data visualization.
The SDAV Institute is part of a new $200 million Big Data Research and Development Initiative. In addition to Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, four other national laboratories, seven universities, and one visualization software company are participating in the collaboration. "To make all this possible, we will actively work with applications teams, assisting them with the tools and ensuring that our efforts meet the high standards needed to ensure correctness and performance of the scientists’ codes," Ross says.
The SDAV researchers plan to hold tutorials and workshops to gather information from other researchers and train future users.
From Argonne National Laboratory
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