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AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm

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artificial intelligence

Ji Lee

Bruno Kessler Foundation researchers Carlo Strapparava and Gozde Ozbal have developed artificial intelligence-based branding software that can mimic the process of naming companies with effective brand names.

The process starts with a series of words that describe the product to be named. The system then retrieves related words from an open source database called ConceptNet, which contains information on the meaning of words. The software forms a name by analyzing the words and combining them to produce a new word that contains some of the sounds of one of the original words. The system is designed to be used for brainstorming ideas, rather than as a replacement for human namers. The researchers plan on enhancing the system by adding the ability to use rhymes. Strapparava and Ozbal also want to make the system available to the public to get feedback.

"A name doesn't come out of the blue," Strapparava says. "There is a technique, and when there is a technique it is possible to think computationally."

From New Scientist 
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Abstracts Copyright © 2012 Information Inc. External Link, Bethesda, Maryland, USA 


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