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Life sciences researchers for the first time will be able to examine the spread of cancer cells in a three-dimensional environment and determine how effectively viruses and targeted drugs enter cells.
New open source software for multidimensional image visualization, processing, and analysis has made this possible.
A German and Finnish team has spent the past 10 years working to streamline and optimize the BioImageXD software. The team was able to generate precise software specifications for processing imaging data using open source principles, and develop software that would be accessible to all researchers. BioImageXD can help bioscience and biomedical researchers generate new analysis methods, simultaneously process myriad images, and analyze millions of molecules. Tests showed that BioImageXD is faster and more sensitive than similar programs.
Jyrki Heino led the research team at the University of Jyvaskyla, and Pasi Kankaanpaa, who now works at the Turku Center for Biotechnology as coordinator of the Cell Imaging Core, headed the project's development.
From CORDIS News
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