The Obama administration has proposed a plan to invest $1 billion in fiscal year 2013 to increase U.S. students' participation in science, technology, engineering, and math by creating an elite corps of master educators through the rewarding of salary stipends to high-performing teachers.
Teachers chosen for the Master Teacher Corps will receive an extra $20,000 annually and must commit to participating in the program for multiple years. The White House says the program will start with 2,500 teachers divided among 50 sites, but could expand to include 10,000 educators over the next four years.
The aim is to generate a multiplier effect in which master teachers share their knowledge and skills with other educators, improving education quality for all students. The administration will make $100 million available immediately by tapping an existing fund to incentivize top-performing teachers.
"This initiative has nothing to do with politics," says U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan. "It's absolutely in our country's best long-term economic interest to do a much better job in this area."
From Associated Press
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