The U.K. government's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has invited universities to apply for grants to run two new dedicated Centers for Doctoral Training (CDTs), which will train postgraduates to maintain the U.K.'s security against cyberthreats. The CDTs will enhance Britain's academic capability across all aspects of the field and are part of the government's National Cyber Security Program, which aims to create a stable, secure, and open cyberenvironment in which Britain's interests and businesses can operate and be preserved.
"The Centers for Doctoral Training are a key component of achieving the skills blend the U.K. needs and I would like to encourage novel responses to the call that reflect well on the innovation of the discipline as a whole," says Universities and Skills minister David Willetts. The EPSRC wants proposals for the CDTs to focus on technological issues as well as the human element of cybersecurity.
"We believe these centers will make an important contribution to further enhancing our world-class cybersecurity academic and research community here in the U.K.," says Cyber Security minister Francis Maude.
From Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council
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