Jernej Barbic
Credit: USC
University of Southern California professor Jernej Barbic recently released Vega, a library of three-dimensional (3D) deformable modeling software, for free open source download.
Vega enables users to model and move complex objects by bending, stretching, and twisting them in real time. Vega is optimized for speed and can animate the motion of any 3D solid object, under any user-specified forces. Vega's license allows anyone to freely use and modify its more than 50,000 lines of software code, whether for academic research or commercial applications.
"A lot of this kind of research code goes up on the Web, but the software is often either too specific, or too complex and inter-tangled," Barbic says. "Vega is now general purpose, well documented, and highly modular, with its components independently reusable."
Vega operates out of a standard computer system for representing 3D objects, dividing their interiors into tetrahedrons. Barbic says Vega can quickly simulate both geometrically simple objects as well as complex objects consisting of hundreds of thousands of tetrahedra.
From University of Southern California
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