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Computer Scientist Seeks to Improve Portability of Mobile Device Applications

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Virginia Tech computer scientist Eli Tilevich is working to solve the problems of porting applications across mobile devices and platforms.

Tilevich, who received a Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award for his research on mobile device portability, will use the award to focus on porting Android applications to run on Windows phones. "To seamlessly port the applications across mobile platforms requires a systematic and automated approach that is called device-independent mobile applications," Tilevich says.

He notes these applications could potentially run on any smartphone and could "represent a revolutionary development model for smartphone applications, reducing software development costs and maximizing profits." Tilevich also plans to generalize his model approach in an attempt to make it functional for all major mobile applications.

He points out that the smartphone market is characterized by fragmentation, with a spate of distinct models competing to dominate the field. "As a result, successful smartphone applications must often be ported between different mobile devices and platforms, incurring great costs for the makers of mobile software," Tilevich says.

From Virginia Tech News
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Abstracts Copyright © 2012 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA 


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