University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Jason T. Cassibry
Credit: University of Alabama at Huntsville
In an interview, University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Jason T. Cassibry shares his thoughts about the new technological advances on the horizon.
He says that in the next few years gamers will use their minds to control and communicate with gaming stations. "Perhaps transmitters will communicate back and generate gaming experiences in the player's mind without requiring a screen," Cassibry says. Cell phones will have transparent, lightweight, foldable screens, and eventually users will be able to control the devices with their minds.
The military and law enforcement are already using drones, but advancements in robotics engineering technology will pave the way for personal robots. "Gradually, more and more people's lives will be enhanced by robots that will take care of simple and, eventually, more sophisticated tasks," Cassibry says.
He also believes exascale computing will allow for more precise predictions of weather forecasts. "The interactions among the sun, oceans, and variations in terrain, cosmic rays, and precipitation will be better understood and will be able to leverage the enormous computing power to enable precise predictions of weather," Cassibry says.
From University of Alabama Huntsville
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