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ACM TechNews

The 9 Hottest Skills For '09

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Even with a struggling economy and record unemployment, certain IT skills will be in high demand in the coming year. Programming and application development will be the most in-demand skills in 2009, concludes Computerworld's annual Forecast survey. For example, demand for SAP skills remains high because an increasing number of companies want to establish global ERP systems. Help desk and technical support are the second most in-demand skills, especially for people with a variety of technical expertise and customer-service abilities. Project managers with a strong track record also will be in high demand, particularly if they can demonstrate the ability to finish a project on time or under budget. The increasingly widespread use of voice, email, video, instant messaging, and other communications systems will keep networking skills in high demand as well, and network convergence projects will increase demand for workers with network security and data privacy skills. Demand for business intelligence specialists, including people with data mining, data warehousing, and data management knowledge, will be high due to the desire to be able to analyze customer and sales data. IT professionals with security skills also are needed, particularly for those with networking and wireless security skills. Web 2.0 skills also are in demand, thanks to the continuing expansion of business-to-business connections and the increasing use of social networking sites and applications in the corporate environment.

From Computerworld
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