University of Oklahoma professor Pramode Verma
Credit: University of Oklahoma
Quantum cryptography has the potential to offer unconditional security, but it is limited by its short transmission distance and slow speed.
A demonstration of the technology at the University of Oklahoma suggests those barriers could be broken. The novel technique makes use of the unpredictability of photons to keep hackers from locating or replicating information used to transmit information. The breakthrough marks the first laboratory demonstration of a theory, postulated in 2006 by Oklahoma State University professor Subhash Kak, known as the three-stage protocol.
The demonstration is a key step toward the widespread adoption of the concept, says Oklahoma professor Pramode Verma. "Basically, no matter how long or how hard they try, technology robbers can no longer decrypt or hack transmitted information," Verma says. He also notes that "as we continue to test this promising method of quantum cryptology, we can demonstrate its value and accelerate the adoption in the business world."
From University of Oklahoma
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