New York University campus.
Credit: CS Dept., New York University
New York University's department of media, culture, and communication will use Codeacademy to provide a 10-week programming course during this semester.
The pilot program will include a weekly class and monthly lectures from technology-industry leaders. Fifty undergraduates will participate and learn to code programming languages such as HTML, Javascript, and Python using Codeacademy's free online service at their own pace.
"Part of what we're trying to do is teach them to be flexible thinkers," says department chair Marita Sturken. "Coding is a sort of grammar they need--they're very likely, no matter what profession they go into, to need and draw on these skills and to understand digital literacy."
The department is considering incorporating the course into its curriculum if all goes well. Codeacademy provided its platform at no charge, and the parties have not talked about plans to collect revenue through the alliance, says Codeacademy CEO Zach Sims. He notes that similar relationships with other colleges are underway.
From Chronicle of Higher Education
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