Credit: UCLA Health System
Researchers in the Autonomous University of Barcelona's High Performance Computing for Efficient Applications and Simulation group have devised a computer simulator that could enhance the operations management of emergency service units.
The simulation was designed according to actual data supplied by Parc Tauli Healthcare, using modeling and simulation methods adapted on an individual basis and requiring high-performance computing. The simulator analyzes the emergency unit's reaction when confronted with diverse scenarios and optimizes the available resources. The researchers say the system's most noteworthy component is the accurate rendering of identified individuals' behavior and interactions. Different types of patients were defined based on their emergency level, while doctors, nursing teams, and admissions staff were defined in accordance with their experiential levels.
The simulation enabled researchers to examine the duration of processes such as triage, the number and type of patients coming in at each moment, the waiting period for each stage service, costs associated with each process, the amount of staff required to determine a type of aid, and all other measurable factors. The model accounts for elements pertinent to emergency service functionality, including computer systems, support services for clinic diagnoses, and specialist consultations.
From UAB Barcelona
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