Credit: Robotics and Automation
UPV/EHU-University researchers are studying how to improve robot behavior by means of perception models that are closer to those of humans.
As part of the eSMCs project, the UPV/EHU researchers want to change the paradigm and generate more dynamic computer models in which action is not just a consequence of perception, but an integral part of the perception process. "Our basic idea is that when we perceive, what is there is active exploration, a particular coordination with the surroundings, like a kind of invisible dance than makes vision possible," says UPV/EHU researcher Xabier Barandiaran.
The eSMCs project aims to apply this idea to the computer models used in robots, improve their behavior, and understand the nature of the human mind. The eSMCs project researchers claim that actions play an important role in perception, as well as in the development of more complex cognitive capacities. "Our main aim is to be able to define technical concepts like the sensorimotor habitat, or that of the pattern of sensorimotor coordination, as well as that of habit or of mental life as a whole," Barandiaran says.
From Basque Research
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