Alexander Shvartsman, left, professor of computer science & engineering, looks over electronic voting equipment with Ph.D. student Seda Davtyan.
Credit: Peter Morenus/UConn Photo
The University of Connecticut's Voting Technology Research Center (VoTeR Center) analyzes data from AccuVote Optical Scanners, which are electronic ballot-counting systems used by the state for elections.
The ballots are auto-tabulated by the scan machines and provide a voter-verified paper trail, which enables auditors to confirm the accuracy of each machine count, says Connecticut professor Alexander Shvartsman. The VoTeR Center recently proposed a project involving a projector and screen to display ballots for analysis, which increases the speed and accuracy of the audit. Four districts in Connecticut will pilot this project after the November election. Another pilot program involves helping the state move newer technology into the memory cards inside the voting machines.
Shvartsman says the VoTeR Center and Connecticut's Secretary of State’s Office are working closely together to improve the overall voting and audit processes.
From UConn Today
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