Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Titan supercomputer system, a Cray XK7, was named the world's fastest supercomputer in the latest edition of the Top500 list.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Titan supercomputer system was named the world's fastest supercomputer in the latest edition of the Top500 list. Titan, a Cray XK7, took the top spot from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Sequoia supercomputer, the IBM BlueGene/Q, which came in second.Under the Linpack benchmark, Titan executed 17.59 petaflops, compared to Sequoia's 16.32 petaflops.
Also in the top five were the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science's K supercomputer performing at 10.5 petaflops, the DOE Argonne National Laboratory's Mira, a BlueGene/Q system performing at 8.16 petaflops, and the German Forschungszentrum Juelich's Juqueen, also an IBM BlueGene/Q system, performing at 4.14 petaflops. The most recent Top500 list had 23 systems demonstrating petaflop performance, just four and a half years after the National Center for Supercomputing Applications' Roadrunner system became the first petaflop-scale system. The latest list also reveals other trends in supercomputing. This edition lists 62 systems using accelerator and co-processor technology such as NVIDIA graphics processing units, up from 58 six months ago.
The United States hosts 251 of the top 500 systems, while Asia and Europe host 123 and 105 systems, respectively.
From IDG News Service
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