Monash University researcher Kevin Korb
Monash University researcher Kevin Korb recently discussed what stage artificial intelligence (AI) research has reached.
"The goal of AI as a discipline is to produce AI as an artifact, and the motivations for that are many and diverse," Korb says.
He says the debates surrounding AI have led to three prominent conclusions. The first conclusion is that AI is, was, and always will be brain dead, according to Korb. He cites philosopher Hubert Dreyfus' argument that traditional AI, which uses using rules, symbols, and data structures, cannot possibly simulate human intelligence. Korb says the second possibility is that AI requires only another 10 or 20 years to put human brain simulation within researchers' grasp, at which point the evolution of humanity will be overtaken and absorbed by the evolution of our artifacts. Korb says the final conclusion is that if an AI is ever to be developed, it will require a long-term, collective effort of many researchers over multiple generations.
From Monash University
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