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Google vice president and ACM president Vint Cerf is backing the British Computer Society's (BCS) recent call for computer science to be included in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). The EBacc will replace in 2015 the current GCSE examination system in five core subjects: English, math, a science, a foreign language, and one from either history or geography.
The BCS recently released a report, titled "The Case for Computer Science as an Option in the English Baccalaureate," which Cerf strongly supports. The BCS report shows how some of the new GCSEs in computer science require greater intellectual depth to achieve a C grade, when compared with some physics GCSEs. "If new computer science GCSEs are developed that meet high standards of intellectual depth and practical value, we will certainly consider including computer science as an option in the EBacc," says secretary of state for education Michael Gove.
Computer science needs to be included in the EBacc, or all of the work that has been done to ensure the subject is included in the curriculum could be at risk, according to BCS and Computing at School. "This will help headteachers realize that computer science is as important for the future success of their students as other scientific subjects such as math or physics," Cerf says.
From Computer Weekly
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