Credit: Open Group
The standards organization Open Group has created a standard for modeling security dependencies. Open Group published its "Dependency Modeling Standard" after being asked by the U.K. Center for Protection of National Infrastructure to create a method that would enable anyone to model their reliance on technology, services, people, and other factors. The modeling standard will assist the U.K. government in its effort to clearly define dependencies in the military sphere, but it also is expected to be useful for enterprises that depend on energy supplies, goods and services from partners, or other relationships in order to operate.
In addition, Intradependency has developed a prototype software tool based on the standard for defining dependence on systems. "It's a way of understanding what needs to be there to create success," Intradependency's Richard Byford says of what the standard and the software tool are intended to do.
The prototype modeling tool makes use of XML to import data to model dependency scenarios. The intention is to build resilience in operations to cope with issues that arise based on what you depend on, says Ian Dobson, director of the Open Group's Security and Jericho forums.
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