Credit: Plastic Onmium Urban Systems
Intel researchers recently offered predictions on how workers and workplaces will change over the next 10 to 20 years.
"Most people work 9-to-5 jobs, are self employed or employed by one company but not both, and most have colleagues who are human. That's going to change," says Intel's Steve Brown, who along with colleague Tim Hansen released a whitepaper that covered five major points of interest. The first is that flexibility will become the key requirement of workers in the future, and the second is that employees will work in dynamic teams, which supports the idea of open innovation.
Brown says the third finding is that offices will become more like temporary locations where an employee could work for a day and move on, or stay for six months. "Office-as-a-service will be a strategic tool to land employees in the right place at the right time," Hansen says. The researchers also predict the development of electronic teammates that can recommend the best approaches to problems and leave people to focus on their unique value.
Finally, they predict that intelligent data agents will make up the second wave of consumerization, and will help with calendaring, shopping, travel, and assisting with finances.
From eWeek
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Abstracts Copyright © 2012 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA
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