Credit: Gooru
A mobile version of the Gooru educational search engine, which is funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), is now available. The Gooru Collections iPad app is designed to provide thousands of assorted multimedia resources to teachers and students with smartphones.
Gooru is a free service that brings together science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) educational materials on the Web. The search engine serves as a one-stop shop for fifth- to 12th-graders and their teachers to discover and share videos, games, digital textbooks, quizzes, and other interactive products related to STEM and eventually other subjects. Gooru curates, auto-tags, and contextualizes millions of STEM-related Web resources to extract maximum value from searches. It ranks and suggests items for students and teachers according to usage data, user input, search query logs, and social signals.
"ONR's STEM efforts are looking for ways to inspire, engage, and educate current and future STEM leaders," says Joseph Cohn, ONR's deputy director of research for STEM.
From U.S. Office of Naval Research
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