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New 2-D Material for Next Generation High-Speed Electronics

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artist impression of high carrier mobility

Artist impression of high carrier mobility through layered molybdenum oxide crystal lattice.

Credit: Dr Daniel J White / ScienceFX

Researchers at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and RMIT University have developed a two-dimensional material they say could revolutionize the electronics market. The material consists of layers of crystals known as molybdenum oxides, which have unique properties that encourage the free flow of electrons at ultra-high speeds.

The researchers developed a technique that adapts graphene to create the new conductive nano-material, which consists of layered sheets. "Within these layers, electrons are able to zip through at high speeds with minimal scattering," says CSIRO's Serge Zhuiykov. "The importance of our breakthrough is how quickly and fluently electrons — which conduct electricity — are able to flow through the new material."

The researchers were able to remove "road blocks" that could obstruct the electrons, an essential step for the development of high-speed electronics, says RMIT professor Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh. "Quite simply, if electrons can pass through a structure quicker, we can build devices that are smaller and transfer data at much higher speeds," Kalantar-zadeh says.

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Abstracts Copyright © 2013 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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