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The recently formed F# Software Foundation (FSSF) maintains a free open source F# code repository and distributions and makes them available to the public free of charge for use across multiple platforms.
F# is a strongly-typed, functional-first programming language for writing simple code to solve complex problems, according to FSSF. The language's "interoperability with all .NET languages and libraries and its ability to tackle the complexity of components such as calculation engines and data-rich analytical services offer a compelling story for businesses," FSSF says. "The latest version of F# (3.0) greatly simplifies information-rich analytical programming through the addition of F# Information Rich Programming, consisting of F# LINQ Queries, the F# Type Provider mechanism, and a set of built-in type providers for enterprise and web data standards."
Many companies have started using F# because of its education potential and because it can be used in many .NET applications. "When a sales rep connects to our network, the synchronization process downloads any F# scripts that we have released and runs them on the laptop," says FSSF member Cesar Mendoza.
From eWeek
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