Credit: My-Programming
The most recent processor phenomenon, the transition from the multicore to the many-core era, was expected to set the stage for the emergence of functional computer languages, which fit well with concurrent programming. Although 2012 did not produce a major breakthrough in functional languages, the leading candidates are Scala and Clojure. Java has been in decline in traditional settings, but the popularity of the Android platform has made up for the shortfall. Objective-C also has continued to do well as a mobile programming language, while Python continues to grow slowly, and JavaScript and Ruby are holding steady.
Meanwhile, Perl continues the decline it has experienced in recent years. The number of searches for Perl is 19 percent of what it was in 2004. The popularity of the primary native languages, C and C++, remained about the same in 2012, rising or falling slightly in various surveys.
Finally, D, Go, and Dart all emerged in 2012, and although they have not yet entered the premier tier, they are slowly working their way forward and gaining users.
From Dr. Dobb's Journal
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