Credit: eSchool News
The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) wants to change science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education to STEAM education, with the "A" representing the arts. The movement aims to include art and design in STEM policy decisions, encourage the integration of art and design in K-20 education, and influence employers to hire artists and designers to drive innovation.
"Design is increasingly becoming a key differentiator for technology startups and products," and art and design "provide real solutions for our everyday lives, distinguish American products in a global marketplace, and create opportunity for economic growth," according to RISD's Web site,
STEAM education programs are being developed across the United States. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel recently announced that the city's 2013 Summer of Learning initiative will focus on STEAM learning activities, for example, and Atlanta-based Drew Charter School includes a specific focus on "STEM to STEAM" programs. Meanwhile, an online petition seeks support for U.S. House Res. 319, which was introduced in 2011 but not enacted. The resolution aims to encourage members of the House of Representatives to support the addition of art and design to federally supported STEM programs.
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