"What is the effect we want all of this computational power to have on the lives of people?," asks Intel futurist Brian David Johnson.
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Intel futurist David Johnson says that as people become more surrounded by data-driven intelligence about their lives, perhaps gathered by our devices, cars, or clothing, the power of aggregating information to the cloud has the potential to result in benefits and government services that have not yet been imagined.
Johnson specializes in future-casting, which combines science fiction, social science, and engineering to develop a vision for the future that takes into account research, global trends, and what people expect to do with technology in the next 10 or 20 years. Within the next 10 years, the size of computer chips will be so small they will be able to be installed almost anywhere, Johnson predicts.
In 2010, Intel sponsored the Tomorrow Project, a series of conversations about the future that included scientists, science fiction writers, celebrities, and anyone interested in participating. "One of the things we learned is when you start talking to people about science fiction based on scientific fact as a way to prototype and think about the future, people get very excited," Johnson says.
From Techwire.net
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