The Presidential Innovation Fellows program pairs top innovators from the private sector, non-profits, and academia with top innovators in government to collaborate during focused 6-12 month tours of duty to develop solutions that can save lives, sa
Credit: White House
The White House's Presidential Innovation Fellows program, launched last May, is broadening its efforts to recruit key private sector employees to work for a limited time on high-impact federal IT projects.
The program needs fellows for its Disaster Response and Recovery project to pre-position technological tools to reduce the economic and safety impact of disasters.
Another area of recruitment is the Cyber-Physical Systems initiative, with the government seeking new smart systems that use distributed sensing, control, and data analytics to aid the economy and job creation.
Fellows also are needed for a 21st Century Financial Systems project that aims to improve the scalability and reduce the expenses of federal financial accounting systems, and for an Innovation Toolkit initiative that will create tools to improve federal worker responsiveness and efficiency.
Finally, workers for the Development Innovation Ventures project will help the U.S. government identify, test, and scale new technologies aimed at tackling global challenges.
The program also is seeking applicants for its existing programs.
Although many fellows will need coding and other technology skills, other skills also are needed, including product and project management, business development, and operations re-engineering.
From InformationWeek
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