Part of a map showing the languages used on Twitter in New York City.
Credit: Co.Exist
The Twitter NYC map plotted out the languages in New York City that are most frequently spoken on social media by visualizing the whereabouts of the 8.5 million geolocated tweets sent from devices in the five boroughs between January 2010 and February 2013. Tweets were categorized by language using Google’s translation tools, color-coded, and then mapped out.
Project co-creator Ed Manley notes the map clearly shows Manhattan as the epicenter of Twitter activity in New York, as well as the most multilingual area on Twitter. However, English remains the predominant language in New York, constituting 95 percent of tweets analyzed by the project. Spanish was the second most-used language with 2.7 percent of tweets, followed by Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and French.
Manley identifies South Brooklyn, Coney Island, and Jackson Heights as the most popular neighborhoods for tweets made in languages other than English. On the other hand, New York's six leading foreign languages are Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Italian, and French Creole.
The populousness of Chinese speakers in New York is not reflected in the number of Chinese tweets, while the high number of Portuguese and French tweets may be attributed to visitors.
From Co.Exist
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