Predictions for the future of supercomputing at SC12 included that they will be used to develop cheaper batteries with greater capacity and a better power grid.
Credit: Baran Ozdemir/iStockphoto
The future of supercomputing was a popular topic at SC12 in Salt Lake City last November. Flying cars were not on the agenda, but experts made smarter predictions, such as improved weather forecasting and faster discovery of new drugs.
IEEE has created a summary of the supercomputing predictions and challenges made by its members at the event.
Materials sciences research will lead to cheaper batteries with more capacity, says Rajeev Thakur, technical program chair of SC12 and deputy director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. Thakur also believes more questions about the universe will be answered as a result of cosmological simulations.
Bronis de Supinski, co-leader of the Advanced Simulation and Computing program's Application Development Environment and Performance Team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, predicts a better power grid, but says the need for cheaper power and less dissipation would present problems. He also sees issues with memory bandwidth and capacity, while Thakur cites funding as an area of concern.
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