Recent data suggests African-americans, Hispanics, and American Indians, as well as women and persons with diabilities, are underrepresented in science and engineering.
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The U.S. National Science Foundation has released a report on the education and employment patterns of women, persons with disabilities, American Indians, African Americans, and Hispanics in science and engineering (S&E). These groups are still underrepresented in S&E, according to the report.
Although women have increasingly pursued S&E degrees over the past 20 years, they still earn a smaller proportion of degrees. Their participation is lowest in computer science and engineering, as they were awarded only 18 percent to 28 percent of these degrees since 1991.
Underrepresented minorities also have obtained more S&E bachelor's and master's degrees over the last two decades; however since 2000, their share in engineering has been flat and their share in mathematics has declined.
Minority scientists and engineers have higher unemployment rates than whites, and Caucasian women are most likely to be employed part-time.
From National Science Foundation
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