A silicon chip that levitates individual atoms. Static and RF voltages are applied to the array of electrodes at the center, creating an electric confinement for individual atomic ions. Such trapped ion systems are a leading physical implementation for qu
Credit: Curt Suplee and Emily Edwards, Joint Quantum Institute and University of Maryland
Joint Quantum Institute researcher Chris Monroe and Duke University professor Jungsang Kim say ion-trap technology could be a scalable option for quantum information processing. They note trapped atomic ions are a promising architecture that satisfies many of the critical requirements for constructing a quantum computer.
Quantum computers rely on qubits, which can be manifested in the internal energy levels of the ions and manipulated through laser and microwave radiation. Monroe and Kim say these technologies are a key factor in the success of atomic ions because scientists can set the frequency of the radiation to match that of the ion’s energy level spacings.
Qubits have long coherence time, which means they can be placed in quantum states and remain that way long enough to perform calculations. In addition, qubits' states are not sensitive to ambient disturbances such as magnetic fields, giving them inherent protection from the destructive environment.
The researchers want to use cryogenics to push a few more factors of 10 lower in pressure, so the coherence time becomes even longer. Cryogenics is effective because it makes the molecules stick to the walls, thus removing them from the region where the ions rest.
From Joint Quantum Institute
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