A National Museum of Australia educator takes students through a tour of the National Museum using a telepresence robot.
Credit: Computerworld Australia
Australia's National Museum has launched a trial that enables schoolchildren to remotely navigate its galleries.
Working with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, the museum is using a virtual tour system that relies on two robots that contain telepresence technology. The robots, which feature motorized wheels and sensor capabilities, follow a human staff member on hand to explain the exhibits.
Schools and libraries connected to the National Broadband Network can access the virtual tour system. The robots have a 360-degree panoramic camera and computers, enabling remote visitors to control their view of museum exhibits and see and hear the museum guide. Remote visitors can ask questions and the guide and the other remote students will hear their voice.
The robots also offer remote visitors the opportunity to access additional digital content about the items they see in the museum.
From Computerworld Australia
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