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Google Australia Funds Universities to Spur Computer Science

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Google Australia is providing up to $15,000 to each of 12 Australian universities for the development of workshops to help high school teachers promote computer science to their students.

Credit: Computerworld Australia

Google Australia's Computer Science for High School program provides funding to 12 Australian universities to develop workshops that help high school teachers promote computer science in their curricula.

Funding varies based on the number of participants and other associated costs and is capped at $15,000 for each program, according to Google. "We need to ensure that we’re equipping our students to be future creators, rather than just consumers, of technology," says Google Australia's Sally-Ann Williams.

Google Australia hopes the increase in the number of universities being funded will ensure computer science education at high schools is current with the needs of the industry and will grow university information and communications technology (ICT) enrollments. "We hope that by supporting computer science at the high school level, we’ll increase the number of bright young Australians that go into computer science at the university level," Williams says.

The number of students completing an ICT-related degree has fallen 50 percent in the last 10 years, according to an Australian Computer Society study, which also found that women make up less than 20 percent of the total ICT-related occupation workforce.

From Computerworld Australia
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