The Stampede supercomputer handles large-scale simulations that produce extremely accurate results.
Credit: XSEDE
The U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Stampede supercomputer is the most powerful and capable of the 16 high-performance computing, visualization, and data analysis resources within the NSF Extreme Digital environment.
"Stampede is an important part of NSF's portfolio for advanced computing infrastructure enabling cutting-edge foundational research for computational and data-intensive science and engineering," says NSF's Farnam Jahanian.
Stampede handles large-scale simulations that produce more accurate results, and its performance is possible thanks to two complementary processor technologies--a massive Dell cluster with Intel Xeon E5 processors, which provides a peak of 2.2 petaflops of computing power; and highly parallel Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors, which can contribute to a combined peak performance of 10 petaflops for the integrated system.
"The technological capacity is important; but even more important is that the scientific community--those on the frontlines of cutting edge, multidisciplinary research to address society's greatest challenges--have the resources necessary to push the frontiers of science and engineering," says NSF's Irene Qualters.
Researchers from any U.S. open science institution can apply to use Stampede, and the system will support more than 1,000 projects in computational and data-driven science and engineering from across the United States every year.
From National Science Foundation
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