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AI Card Game Knows How to Bend the Rules

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A solitary card player.

A new artificial intelligence system can develop new card games (and all their rules) from scratch.

Credit: Johner/Plainpicture

IT University of Copenhagen researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that generates new card games from scratch.

The researchers first developed a system that describes all of the variations in the rules of existing card games. The AI system searches through these possible variations, exploring new sets of rules to see if they result in a playable game.

In the future, AI designers might be able to invent games on the fly, constantly making up new rules to keep the game balanced, says IT University of Copenhagen researcher Julian Togelius.

He notes that automatic rule-balancing systems also could generate different rules for different players; in addition, these systems could be used to automatically generate more games like Foldit, a complex protein-folding puzzle.

"This system might allow us to think up games as compelling as poker and bridge but which couldn't have been designed 100 years ago," says Imperial College London researcher Michael Cook.

From New Scientist
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