A growing number of apprenticeships are being offered to train young people for jobs in the IT industry.
Credit: ALAMY
The information technology (IT) sector in the United Kingdom is trying apprenticeships to train more young people for jobs in the industry.
Since October 2012, a partnership involving the National Skills Academy for IT, training provider NITP, and British telco BT has placed more than 300 young people with employers. The candidates receive tech training, with quality assurance by BT, but delivered by NITP at a network of 11 Further Education colleges across Britain.
The IT Gold Standard Apprenticeship is a government-backed approach to more quickly providing technical and professional skills training.
"Quality apprenticeships help businesses grow their own talent and develop a motivated, skilled, and qualified workforce," says NITP's Peter Marples. "More and more organizations are starting to realize this."
The partnership plans to offer an additional 250 apprenticeships in 2013.
Meanwhile, Nominet recently established a similar 12- to 14-month technical apprenticeship program to encourage local school leavers to consider a career in the "fast-growing areas of software and Internet infrastructure." The apprenticeships are designed to offer high-quality external learning and on-the-job training.
From InformationWeek
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