Version 1.0 of the Dart language offers full, native support only in Google's Chrome berowser, but also accommodates other browsers.
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Google is preparing to formally release Dart language version 1.0 as well as the 3.0 version of Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
Dart will be equipped with features such as method cascades for easier modification of objects, as well as named arguments to improve readability and discoverability. Dart offers full, native support only in Google's Chrome browser, but it also accommodates other browsers. "We can compile to JavaScript, so we do have the support for any browser," notes Google's Emily Fortuna. "The [virtual machine] is open source. Once other browsers decide they would like to add it, they're free to do so."
The GWT will be broken up into smaller tools, and there will be more integration with other tools. Furthermore, Java 7 and 8 will be supported in GWT 3.0, with all Java 7 language features available. Version 3.0 also will have better reporting and profiling tools to identify performance problems, as well as improved CodeSplitter capabilities. "If you want to put a GWT app into an app store, it should be really easy to do so," says Google's Ray Cromwell.
From InfoWorld
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