New graphical tools that show data visualizations of cyberattacks in progress offer significant improvements to security experts.
Credit: The New York Times
New graphical tools are emerging that show data visualizations of cyberattacks in progress, offering significant improvements to security experts in their efforts to detect and prevent incidents.
For example, Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology has developed the Daedalus Cyberattack alert system that shows vast quantities of real-time data.
"We've managed in the past from rows and columns, then bar and pie charts," says Deloitte & Touche federal chief innovation officer J.R. Reagan. However, he says better tools are needed to combat today's rapidly unfolding cyberattacks, due to the limitations in a person's ability to compare numbers and data in event logs. "Maybe see the attack on a map, put it into more of a 3D spatial look, spider chart or 'bread crumbs' to see where it leads," Reagan says.
Systems such as Daedalus portray attacks as dots clustered around servers, and also display geography and IP addresses. Predictive analytics allow experts to see relationships between people as attacks build.
Most security experts are not well-versed in analytics, but they should improve these skills to leverage the advanced analytics and visualization tools that are capable of fighting increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.
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