Using nanotechnology, researchers have developed a technique to increase the data storage capacity of a DVD from 4.7GB to 1,000 terabytes.
Credit: Nature Communications
Researchers at the Swinburne University of Technology and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) have developed a technique that increases the data capacity of a single DVD from 4.7 gigabytes to one petabyte.
The researchers had to break Abbe's limit, which was a barrier to producing extremely small dots, in the nanometer region, to use as binary bits.
The team used a two-light-beam method, with different colors, for recording onto discs. The first beam was used to activate the recording and the second was used to play an anti-recording function. The beams were then overlapped, with the technique producing an effective focal spot of nine nanometers.
The researchers say their work will have a significant impact on the development of super-compact devices, as well as on nanoscience and nanotechnology research. The exceptional penetration capacity of light beams permit three-dimensional recording or manufacturing, which can dramatically boost the data storage of a single optical device.
The researchers note the technique is cost-effective and portable, and it could be ideal for big data because it allows for the development of optical data storage with long life and low energy consumption.
From ScienceAlert (Australia)
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