Australia's National Computational Infrastructure at the Australian National University is moving to a cloud-based computing facility.
Credit: IBM
A new cloud computing facility in Australia will be used for research in areas that require big-data analysis, such as climate change and earth system science.
About $2.3 million will be spent to move Australia's National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) at the Australian National University to the cloud-based resource. A Dell 3200-core system will power the NCI research computing cloud, and the system will use Intel central processing units optimized for floating-point calculations, high-performance solid state memory modules, and a 56Gbps Ethernet interconnect.
The Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, and eight universities will be among the users. The project forms the Canberra node of the Nectar Research Cloud, which has seven other nodes across the country. The science cloud will stand alongside existing supercomputer and storage equipment.
"We estimate all the kit will arrive here about Aug. 15 and we will go live around Oct. 15," says NCI's Joseph Antony.
From The Australian (Australia)
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