The translation feature in Google+ will allow desktop users to rapidly receive basic translations of materials posted in languages other than their own.
Credit: Vision 360
The gradual launch of the recently unveiled Google+ translation feature for desktop users will enable them to rapidly receive basic translations when other users make posts in languages other than their own.
"Whenever there's a Google+ public post or comment that isn't in your language, you'll now see a 'Translate' link underneath the text," say Google researchers Ed Chi and Lichan Hong. "Clicking the link translates the text in-line, and clicking again returns to the original."
Users can select and establish their language preferences in their Google+ accounts. In May, Google Translate on Android added 16 more languages for its camera-input feature, and Google's Web-based Translate service added five languages. The camera-input feature lets users snap photos of signs in foreign languages so they can be translated. The updates also enable users to save their preferred translated phrases to a phrasebook in their Android devices so they can summon them when needed.
Google Translate for Android received a major upgrade in March when Google introduced a feature that lets traveling users access language-translation services on their mobile devices, even when they lack an Internet connection. Users can now download individual offline language apps for devices running Android 2.3 or higher.
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