Anchoring gold nanoparticles via microwave radiation on molybdenum disulfide improves its electrical characteristics
Credit: Kansas State University
Kansas State University (KSU) researchers are studying molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a new three-atom-thick material that, when manipulated with gold atoms, has the potential to improve electronic and thermal devices.
KSU professor Vikas Berry says MoS2 could be used to advance transistors, photodetectors, sensors, thermally conductive coatings, and produce ultrafast, ultrathin logic and plasmonics devices. "Futuristically, these atomically thick structures have the potential to revolutionize electronics by evolving into devices that will be only a few atoms thick," Berry says.
MoS2 has recently shown to have transistor-rectification that is better than graphene. The researchers found that by establishing a bond between MoS2 and gold nanostructures, the bond acted as a highly coupled gate capacitor.
"The research will pave the way for atomically fusing layered heterostructures to leverage their capacitive interactions for next-generation electronics and photonics," Berry says.
The researchers plan to create more complex nanoscale architectures on MoS2 to build logic devices and sensors. "The incorporation of gold into molybdenum disulfide provides an avenue for transistors, biochemical sensors, plasmonic devices, and catalytic substrate," says KSU researcher Phong Nguyen.
From Kansas State University News
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