The Google Ideas think tank has helped create a website featuring a collection of constitutions from nations around the world.
Credit: Comparative Constitutions Project
The Comparative Constitutions Project has built a new website that offers a collection of constitutions from nations around the world, with support from Google's Ideas think tank and other organizations.
Constitute currently features 177 constitutions, including original and amended versions, from many nations.
Google Ideas' Sara Sinclair Brody notes that Constitute innovates on how the content of constitutions is sourced and referenced. "Constitute enables people to browse and search constitutions via curated and tagged topics, as well as by country and year," she says. "The Comparative Constitutions Project cataloged and tagged nearly 350 themes, so people can easily find and compare specific constitutional material."
Theme topics include amendments, citizenship, elections, cultures, international law, and regulations.
"Our aim is to arm drafters with a better tool for constitution design and writing," Brody says. "We also hope citizens will use Constitute to learn more about their own constitutions, and those of countries around the world." She says the site also should be helpful to scholars, historians, and political leaders.
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