Groovy is now one of the 20 most popular programming languages.
Groovy has cracked the top 20 list of the TIOBE Index of the most popular programming languages. TIOBE ranks Groovy 18th, compared with 53rd a year ago, and notes that there is a lot of competition in the field of lightweight languages that integrate with Java.
An object-oriented scripting language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Groovy beat other well-known JVM languages such as Scala, JavaFX Script, and Clojure. "Its syntax is based off of the Java language itself, so it's very straightforward and intuitive to learn, but at the same time offers various shortcuts and [application programming interfaces] to make developers much more productive, help them write more concise and more readable code that is easier to maintain and evolve in the long run," says Guillaume Laforge, Groovy project manager at Pivotal.
There has been a lot of buzz around the Groovy ecosystem, with the ongoing growth of the Grails Web framework and Google using the Gradle build automation system to develop the Android application. Internet of Things developers also are using Groovy for scripting home automation and for interacting with the various nodes of the mesh network, Laforge notes.
From eWeek
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