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Women Talk Tech and Careers in Computer Science

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Women coding.

The womENconference at Manchester University Saturday was aimed at encouraging women in the field of computer science.


About 250 women from 32 countries attended the womENcourage conference on Saturday at Manchester University to promote and encourage women in the field of computer science.

The event, the first of its kind in Europe, was organized by ACM-W Europe and sponsored by Bloomberg, Cisco, Facebook, Google, Intel, Microsoft Research, and Yahoo Labs.

Newcastle University's Alice Wrenshall says the event could help dispel misconceptions about what could be achieved in the science and technology sector and who should be achieving it. "By engaging more young women and making them aware of the opportunities and many different aspects of a computing science degree, we will get more women who truly love the subject in the industry," she says.

Wrenshall focused on human-computer interaction, and other topics and projects that were discussed at the conference included robots that synthesize emotions, software engineering methods for users with disabilities, and a facial recognition system for dogs.

"It was an inspiring event, covering topics from politics to cybersecurity," says Newcastle lecturer Caroline Jay. "It was great to hear from current leaders in the field, but also to meet so many motivated young women, all of whom are intent on changing the future of computing."

From Yahoo! United Kingdom & Ireland
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